To dive into the depths of the crystal clear sea and see the beauty of the underwater world – isn’t it the most amazing feeling one can imagine? Setting off on a vacation every person wants to get loads of positive emotions.
Some will feel the adrenaline rush in their blood doing the water skies. Some can’t resist a parachute jump. But the true experts know that the real sensation can be experienced if you choose diving. What is diving?
Many people believe that diving is nothing more than plunging in the water with a scuba in special equipment. And it is part truth. But water sports are much more various than most people think.
Diving forms
Every year the number of diving varieties is increasing. But still the basic kinds are:
Free diving. This diving form presupposes plunging into the water holding one’s breath. It is difficult to dive deep, but still it is good lung training and you will be able to stay under water form a minute or two. This exercise has its professional name – apnea.
Professional diving. This form of diving is directed at experienced divers.
Snorkeling is one of the forms of free diving. It is a special kind of swimming that is carried out on the water surface with minimal plunges using a snorkel and a mask.
Scuba diving is the most popular form of diving. Plunging into the water is carried out in special equipment (flippers, wetsuit and mask) with a breathing apparatus. The use of this equipment gave the name to this kind of sport – scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus).
This apparatus has a slightly altered and upgraded construction of the aqualung invented by Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
Scuba diving opens incredible opportunities. A person who chooses this kind of diving will be able to stay under water for a long time and descend for extreme depths.
Scuba diving allows you to enjoy the beauties of the underwater world for a long period of time. It is an undeniable advantage of this form of diving.
Amazing at hand
A unique diving center is situated on the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba of the Red sea. Here you can try:
-Various forms of diving
The diving center is situated in an extraordinary Israeli city Eilat. Here you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature and have an amusing holiday plunged into the world of extreme and active kinds of sport. Moderate climate has health benefits and positive effect on a person’s well-being.
The most interesting thing that a person can try if he turned up here is scuba diving. This kind of water sports is the most popular because of the well-known clearness and transparency of the water of Aqaba.
It is possible to see the amazing scenery of the coral shore and unique and beautiful sea inhabitants at the distance of 40 meters.